DecisionTelecom Viber + SMS API allows you to send and receive Viber business messages to and from any country in the world via API, and if Viber message is not delivered to a client, it will be resend and delivered as regular SMS message. Each message is identified by a unique random ID, so users can always check the status of a message using given endpoint.
The Viber + SMS API uses HTTPS with access key that is used as the API authorization. Request and response payloads are formatted as JSON using UTF-8 encoding.
API Authorization - Base64 access key.
Please contact your account manager to get an API key.
"source_addr": "Custom Company",
"destination_addr": 8882222200,
"text":"Message content",
"text_sms":"SMS message content", // add this parameter: if, in the event of non-delivery via Viber, it is necessary to resend transactional message via SMS
"button_caption":"Join Us",
<= 20 chars - from whom the message
<= 20 chars - to whom the message
message_type (Type of message sent):
106 only text (convenient for transactional messages)
108 text+image+button (convenient for promotional messages)
206 only text (2Way)*(convenient for promotional messages)
208 text+image+button (2Way)* (convenient for promotional messages)
<= 1000 chars - text of Viber message
<= 70 chars for UCS-2 (16-bit) and <= 160 chars for Latin - alternative SMS text if Viber message is not delivered (only for transactional messages)
image (Correct URL with image for promotional message with button caption and button action):
jpg or jpeg (mime type is image/jpeg), maximum resolution 400x400 pixels
png (mime type is image/png), maximum resolution 400x400 pixels
<= 30 chars - button caption
Correct URL for transition when you press the button
source_type (Message sending procedure):
promotion message (the message can be with text, picture and button) - 1
transactional message (text message) - 2
Correct URL for message status callback
TTL (Time to live) allows the sender to limit the life time of a message. In case the message did not get the status "delivered" before the time ended, the message will not be charged and will not be delivered to the user. In case no TTL was provided (no "ttl" parameter) Viber will try to deliver the message for
up to 1 day.
promotion message - min TTL 40 seconds max TTL 21600 seconds (6 hours)
transactional message - min TTL 40 seconds max TTL 21600 seconds (6 hours)
transactional message + SMS - TTL only 40 seconds
Sent message ID
Get message from a user for 2Way messages:
For 2way messages ITD Viber system will send callbacks with each user's message. The tracking data content will be sent by the client according to the tracking data in the last message which was received on the Viber client’s side.
The responce implies that the API user has a callback url for this messages.
"message_token": 44444444444444,
"phone_number": "972512222222",
"time": 2121212121,
"text": "a message to the service",
"tracking_data": "tracking_id:100035"
client response message token
client phone number
client response message time
client response message text
tracking_id: The id of the message to which the client is responding
Receive Viber message
The ID of the message whose status you want to get (for the last 5 days)